privacy statement

The following privacy policy applies to all site visits, transactions and agreements with Verebus Engineering, Treubstraat 31, 2288 EH Rijswijk.

Verebus considers careful handling of personal data to be of great importance. We therefore process and secure them carefully. In our processing, we comply with the requirements set by the AVG. On this page, we inform you which personal data we collect and use and for what purpose.

Purpose of use

We collect your data from the moment you enter or leave your details on our website, have personal contact with one of our employees or otherwise register to use our services.

More specifically, this concerns - among others - the following (documents containing) personal data:

When applying for a job:
  • name and address, e-mail address and other contact details;
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV);
  • Other data that are or may be important in the context of assessing suitability for our positions, e.g. references and certificates.

When registering for training/training/course or entering into business agreements:

  • Name and address, e-mail address, job title and other contact/billing details.
Other communications:

When you send e-mail or other messages to us, we may retain those messages. Sometimes we will ask you for your personal data relevant to the situation at hand. This enables us to process your queries and respond to your requests.

Data security

The data we receive from/about you is stored on secure third-party servers. We will not combine this data with other personal data in our possession. We protect your data with all possible means, but due to the public nature of the Internet, we cannot always guarantee 100% security in the transmission of information over the Internet.

Our employees are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.

Third parties

We do not disclose your data to third parties, unless you have given your consent or Verebus is required to do so by law. For example, we ask applicants' permission to provide (part of the) data to principals if the application concerns a position with that principal. If an applicant takes part in an assessment, we also provide necessary personal data to the implementing body by mutual agreement.

Duration of storage

The retention periods we use depend on the applicable legal retention periods (see Personal Data Authority).

If we want to keep the data for longer, we will again ask for permission.


We use cookies on this website. Cookies are small text files placed on a PC, tablet or mobile phone by an internet page. We use Google Ana-lytics (a web analysis service offered by Google Inc) to gain insight into website traffic. Think of visitor numbers, popular pages and topics. In this ma-nier, we can better tailor communication to the needs of website visitors. We cannot see who (which PC) visits the website. Google, as the service provider, can.

Links to other websites

Our internet pages contain links to other websites. Verebus is not responsible for the privacy practices of websites that are not under our control.

Disable cookies

Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is sent. However, some features and services, on our and other websites, may not function correctly if cookies are disabled in your browser.

Review, rectification or erasure of data

You may ask to access your data the that Verebus stored. You may also ask us to change, supplement or delete this data. This can be done by contacting us by e-mail at

Questions, comments, complaints

Hebt u vragen, opmerkingen of klachten over de bescherming van uw persoonsgegevens door Verebus, dan kunt u per e-mail contact met ons opnemen via of telefonisch via telefoonnummer 070-3528200.

Do you believe that we are using your personal data unlawfully and are we not responding to your complaint? Then you can rely on the legal protection that the Personal Data Protection Act offers you. Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens u biedt.


This privacy statement is tailored to the use of and features on this site. Any adjustments and/or changes to this site, may result in changes to this privacy statement. It is therefore advisable to consult this privacy statement regularly.

This statement is last edited in June 2024.