Terms and conditions Verebus Academy

Article 1. Definitions

In these terms and conditions, the following terms mean the following:

Conditions: terms and conditions Verebus Academy

Verebus Academy: Verebus Engineering BV, located Treubstraat 31 in Rijswijk, registered in the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 27037047.

Customer: a legal entity or natural person (whether or not acting in the exercise of a profession or business), who wishes to purchase or has purchased a service and/or product from Verebus Academy and with whom an agreement is or has been concluded, or to whom an offer is made.

Article 2. Genera

These terms and conditions apply to every offer, quotation and agreement between Verebus Academy and the customer, insofar as these terms and conditions have not been explicitly deviated from by the parties in writing. These terms and conditions also apply to agreements with Verebus Academy, the execution of which requires the involvement of third parties by Verebus Academy.

If one or more provisions of these terms and conditions should at any time be wholly or partially void or voidable, the remaining provisions of these terms and conditions shall remain fully applicable. Verebus Academy and the customer will then consult to agree on new provisions, taking into account as much as possible the purpose and meaning of the original provision(s).

If Verebus Academy does not always require strict compliance with these terms and conditions, this does not mean that the provisions thereof do not apply, or that Verebus Academy would to any extent lose the right to require strict compliance with the provisions of these terms and conditions in other cases.

Article 3. Offer and agreement

Verebus Academy issues the offer (preferably) in writing (for example, but not exclusively, via the website).

The offer shall include at least the following information:

  • A description of the course or training;
  • Methods of conduct;
  • Start time of the course or training, as soon as it is determined;
  • Entry requirements (if any);
  • Total investment;
  • The method of payment.

The customer enters into an agreement with Verebus Academy by registering for an education or training course. Registration can take place via the digital registration form on the website, by e-mail, by telephone or via a physical form. By registering, the customer indicates to know and accept the general terms and conditions of Verebus Academy. Verebus Academy sends an electronic confirmation to the customer. This confirmation serves as proof of the formation of the agreement.

Article 4. Price and payment

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all prices are exclusive of VAT, and are in euros.

Payment must be made within 14 days of the invoice date (in principle, this is the starting date of the training course). If the customer fails to pay an invoice on time, the customer is legally in default.

If the customer defaults in the (timely) fulfilment of his obligations, all reasonable - both judicial and extrajudicial - collection costs shall be borne by the customer. The extrajudicial costs shall be calculated on the basis of what is customary in Dutch collection practice.

Article 5. Liability

Any form of consequential or indirect damage, including, inter alia, trading loss, delay damage (other than statutory interest), damage due to decrease in value, loss of enjoyment, loss of profit, or loss suffered, damage to (goods of) third parties, cargo damage and personal or immaterial damage are excluded from compensation.

Article 6.1 Cancellation and rescheduling - enrolment trainings

Cancellation before the start of the first education or training day by the customer of the agreed education or training course shall be made by telephone on 070 - 3528200 or by e-mail: verebus@verebus.nl.

In case of cancellation more than 30 days before the start of the first or originally agreed education or training day, an administration fee of € 50 shall be charged. In case of cancellation within 30 days before the start of the first or originally agreed education or training day, the costs incurred plus € 50,- administration fee will be charged, even if the registration took place within this period.

In all cases - after approval from Verebus Academy - a substitute may be sent.

Verebus Academy reserves the right to cancel the course or training agreed with the customer without giving reasons. If Verebus Academy decides not to go ahead with a course or training, the customer has the right to cancel or be transferred free of charge.

Article 6.2 Cancellation and relocation - in-company programmes and training courses

If the customer cancels no later than 30 days before the start of the programme or training course, €50 in administration costs will be charged. If the programme or training course is cancelled within 30 days before the start, the costs incurred will be charged.

If the customer moves the meeting no later than 30 days before the start, no fees will be charged. In case of relocation within 30 days before the start of the meeting, the expenses and additional costs incurred will be charged.

Article 7. Intellectual property rights

Verebus Academy retains the intellectual property rights, including copyright, relating to all matters provided by Verebus Academy (such as, for example, but not exclusively, presentations and documentation), unless otherwise specified. The matters referred to in this article may not be disclosed and/or otherwise brought to the notice of third parties without Verebus Academy's express prior consent.

Artikel 8. Verwerking (persoons)gegevens

De klant gaat er mee akkoord dat (persoons)gegevens die de klant aan Verebus Academy verstrekt, zoals (werk)adresgegevens, telefoonnummers en e-mailadressen, worden verwerkt in een (deels) geautomatiseerde administratie van Verebus Academy. Deze gegevens kunnen worden gebruikt ten behoeve van de klantenadministratie, facturatie, en (elektronische) toezending van informatie over opleidingen of trainingen, en daaraan gerelateerde producten en diensten van Verebus Academy. De klant heeft te allen tijde het recht om de toestemming of een deel van de toestemming tot het verwerken van (persoons)gegevens digitaal in te trekken, dit kan door een mail te sturen naar verebus@verebus.nl. De klant en Verebus Academy zullen zich houden aan de op grond van de Europese Privacy Verordening voor ieder der partijen bestaande verplichtingen. Raadpleeg ons privacy statement voor meer specifieke informatie over de verwerking van persoonsgegevens.

Article 9. Confidentiality

Verebus Academy, its employees and persons working for Verebus Engineering will keep the information provided by the customer confidential.

Article 10. Other rights Verebus Academy

Verebus Academy has the right to change prices at any time, however after confirmation of registration the price agreed at that time remains valid. However, printing and typesetting errors and price changes resulting from the law (for example, but not exclusively, a VAT increase) are reserved.

Verebus Academy reserves the right to use (visual) material produced by the customer during a course or training for the benefit of other courses or trainings offered by Verebus Academy.

Verebus Academy has the right to suspend the fulfilment of obligations if it is temporarily prevented from fulfilling obligations towards the customer due to force majeure (all external causes beyond its control). A failure to fulfil obligations cannot be attributed to Verebus Academy if this failure is the result of force majeure. Once the force majeure situation has lapsed, Verebus Academy will fulfil its obligations as soon as its planning allows. This means that, in case Verebus Academy is temporarily unable to fulfil its obligations, the customer cannot dissolve the agreement free of charge. If the customer wishes to dissolve the agreement, our regular cancellation conditions apply (see article 6).

Article 11. Applicable law

All legal relationships to which Verebus Academy is a party are exclusively governed by Dutch law, even if an obligation is wholly or partly performed abroad or if the party involved in the legal relationship is domiciled there.