After a two-day audit by DNV, our ISO 9001:2015 certification has been extended until 2026. This certificate is valid for the scope: Advice for the design, detailing and maintenance of complex installations. The international standard for quality management systems ISO 9001:2015 is all about identifying quality risks, addressing critical points and recording processes within our organisation. This standard helps control and improve business processes. certificaat is geldig voor de scope: Advisering voor het ontwerpen, detailleren en instandhouden van complexe installaties.
Bij de internationale norm voor kwaliteitsmanagementsystemen ISO 9001:2015 draait het om het inventariseren van kwaliteitsrisico’s, het aanpakken van kritische punten en het vastleggen van processen binnen onze organisatie. Deze norm helpt bij het beheersen en verbeteren van bedrijfsprocessen.

“We choose DNV as our certifier because it is a strong brand, especially in the maritime sector. In addition, it is a professional organisation that can properly assess companies such as Verebus. It was nice to hear from the auditor that Verebus has its affairs well in order and is always able to make improvements.” says director Pieter van Breugel.

Obtaining and maintaining certification means that our clients can trust that our processes meet international quality standards and that our organisation places great value on continuous improvement.

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