12 October 2023

On October 11, 2023, the NIDV Integrated Logistics Support Platform (ILSP) hosted 65 experts from the ministry of Defence and the business community for its annual meeting and seminar “Mapping the future”. This emerging methodology for maintenance planning and specifications for new equipment is becoming increasingly concrete.

Without maintenance, every operation comes to a standstill. Better predictability and methods and standards are valuable to get and keep the equipment at the required level. The Integrated Logistics Support Platform helps Defence and the business community to develop and apply the specifications from the design phase.

Technical design and universal standards may sound a bit abstract, but their impact is becoming increasingly concrete, as the presentations showed. Jelle explained the approach in the current F126 project for the German Navy; Sebastiaan did this for various S1000D projects. “We are inspired by the success stories that already exist. A pragmatic approach is possible.” This is what Pieter van Breugel, chairman of the ILSP, stated.

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