Verebus regularly supports charities. In recent months two events took place for which Verebus sponsored participants. 

Verebusser Rob Wensink participated in the Distinguished Gentlemans' ride in Leiden on May 21. The city of Leiden raised EUR 13,376. Rob was second in Leiden when it comes to collecting donations, partly thanks to a number of colleagues who also contributed. The ride raised $7.43 million worldwide. All proceeds go to Movember, and will be invested in prostate cancer research and men's mental health initiatives around the world.

The submarine service, one of our long-time clients, participated in Alpe d'HuZes. “This was the day it all came together. The sporting challenge, the reflection, the fundraising, pushing your boundaries, because… giving up was and is not an option!” they let us know. “But in the end there is only one thing that counts: thanks to your donations and those of all our sponsors, the Onderzeedienst team has raised around 20,000 euros, and Alpe d'HuZes 2023 has raised approximately 17 million euros! This is an incredible incentive to move towards a world where everyone can actually get that chance at a cure.”

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